The 10 Best Plugins to Install On Your WordPress Blog
If you’re new to WordPress you may not be familiar with plugins. Plugins simply add extra functionality to your website. You can find a plugin to do pretty much anything you want: make your site more secure, help it load faster, fight spam, add social media buttons to help readers share your posts… The list goes on and on. But there are hundreds of thousands of plugins available to wade through in the plugin database so it’s hard to know where to start. To help with this I’ve compiled a list of all the best plugins to install on your WordPress blog. It’s a little bit of everything you need to make your blog easier to use and incredibly functional.
How to Install a Plugin
In your WordPress dashboard, click on Plugins>Add New.
Search for the name of your plugin. When you find it, click on the Install Now button. Then once it’s installed click the Activate button. That’s it!

How to make your WordPress site more secure
In my previous post I talked about what to do to fix a hacked site. This post is about things you can do to make your WordPress site more secure so that something like that doesn’t happen again (or ever). The basic things were mentioned in the last post: change your passwords regularly, use strong passwords and always have the most current version of WP. Below are some other things you can do. I’ve started with the easiest options that...
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Fix a hacked website and prevent it from happening again
A client emailed me because her browser had notified her that her blog had been marked as suspicious by Google and she didn’t know how or why that had happened. Further checking revealed that google had found malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. Her WordPress site had been hacked and the hacker had added malicious code to her templates. My client had no clue how to fix a hacked website. Luckily, she had me to ask, but not everyone...
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How to add Related Posts to your WordPress blog
Adding related posts to your WordPress blog is a great way to help your readers find more posts on your site that interest them. And in business terms that leads to more engagement and pageviews for your blog. Plus, adding links to other posts on your site is a great SEO practice. There are several plugins that can add this feature for you, but the more plugins you have installed the slower your blog will be. So I always try...
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